Archive | Disruption

New markets for your business strategy

How to find a new market during COVID 19

Its usually quite hard to decrease costs fast enough and far enough to compensate for a revenue slide. In the situation where there is a rapid revenue shock to your business, there isn’t time to wait until your current market recovers. What you need to do is find new revenue as fast as you can.

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Leaders are in charge of strategy

Stop using redundancies as a safety net for lazy strategy

Future Strategy I am not sure when it actually became OK for companies to ‘make the numbers’ by cost cutting with people’s jobs when it is clearly their strategy that sucks. In Australia we don’t have any laws requiring justifications for collective redundancies as they do in some other countries. But it’s not laws I […]

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Photo by Sawyer Bengtson on Unsplash

Innovation is not enough

If you are looking for “What’s Next” in your business growth strategy, you no doubt currently using, or at least considering, innovation a key tool for input into that. But innovation is not enough to reliably lead to a breakthrough disruptive strategy. We only seem to be doing innovation and not really working on doing […]

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Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse

Are you discounting the impact of disruption?

Are you discounting the impact of disruption?  Sometimes it’s really hard to envisage the full impact of what we first see as small changes. And, even when we see clear evidence that something significant may be going on, we are pretty good at dismissing and explaining away the risks. Any one risky scenario of future […]

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Disruption vs Innovation - different feeling!

Why its time for a disruption bungee not an innovation hang glide

Innovation and disruption – not the same thing   Innovation’s goal is a better product at launch If you want innovation, listen to your customer Disruption’s goal is a better business model at launch If you want disruption, lead your market somewhere new   Taxi Rides This means that if we had interviewed passengers after […]

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Disruptive Strategies

Does your strategy pass these disruption tests?

In the timeless film the Untouchables with Costner and Connery there is a scene where an intruder gains access to Connery’s  apartment. For a while, Connery pretends he is unaware of the assailant before confronting him with a sawn off double barrel shot gun. The poor mafia henchman only brought a knife to gunfight. Watch […]

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Photo by Antonio Molinari on Unsplash

Planning a business strategy workshop? The four questions to ask yourself

Whenever you are running a business strategy workshop, no matter if you do that yourselves or ask someone in to help, determine which of these four perspectives you are wanting to achieve in the session(s) and focus on that. Settle Are you wanting to settle something? You may have been discussing different growth options, making […]

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Business model nnovation for business strategy

Business Model Innovation is the key to disruption (8 min video)

Garage Gigs for Growth (#9) Using examples of the differences between business model innovation and product innovation for business strategy you can set yourselves up to workshop your own 2018 business growth plan. Changes in communication, transportation, computing and payments technologies has brought about a change to the way consumers and customers shop and buy. […]

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Image by etienne girardet

Doing Disruption with distribution (8 min video)

Distribution Model disruption  Garage Gigs for Growth (#8) Tried some new lights this blog….hmmm – seems to have given rise to a skin tone I would describe as ‘Trumps Fake Orange’. But lets not let that distract us from getting after 2018 in a BIG way. Frankly its time for most Aussie businesses to get […]

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How will Amazon do in Australia?

Starbucks tanked and Netflix banked. Which way will Amazon go? (9 min video)

Garage Gigs for Growth (#7)   Amazon’s Australia launch finally arrived this week and everyone has an opinion about whether they will win big and inflict serous damage on our large retailers;  or if they will underestimate our low density population and subsequent logistics complexity and cost. Two companies, whose performance we may be able […]

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