Its usually quite hard to decrease costs fast enough and far enough to compensate for a revenue slide. In the situation where there is a rapid revenue shock to your business, there isn’t time to wait until your current market recovers. What you need to do is find new revenue as fast as you can.
Archive | Change
Are you discounting the impact of disruption?
Are you discounting the impact of disruption? Sometimes it’s really hard to envisage the full impact of what we first see as small changes. And, even when we see clear evidence that something significant may be going on, we are pretty good at dismissing and explaining away the risks. Any one risky scenario of future […]
Planning a business strategy workshop? The four questions to ask yourself
Whenever you are running a business strategy workshop, no matter if you do that yourselves or ask someone in to help, determine which of these four perspectives you are wanting to achieve in the session(s) and focus on that. Settle Are you wanting to settle something? You may have been discussing different growth options, making […]
What’s that burning smell? Why your market price is toast
The perilous path of perpetually plummeting prices…. ok ok – there is such a thing as tooooo much alliteration The ebbs and flows in business are leading to higher high-water marks in service and lower low-water marks on price. I ordered a journal on line two weeks ago and it took three weeks to come. […]
How lazy is your strategy?
Your strategy is lazy if it’s… More internally focused than externally leading I see too many company strategies that are straight line, incremental and focus far too much on internal improvements. Savvier are those with a great focus on their customers. But the best leaders have their eyes on the market view and what’s changing. More […]
The three perspectives you need for strategy (6 min video)
Garage Gigs for Growth (#6) Apart from the usual strategic fare on offer on the retro chalkboard – there is also a ‘fun’ moment when I disappear offscreen. Hey – they aren’t Garage Gigs for nuttin’. This episode of Garage Gigs for Growth helps you look at your strategy work in the context of three different […]
FAST-Hacks for Disruptive Strategies
FAST-Hacks for Disruptive Strategies When Amazon decided to acquire Wholefoods and plunge into bricks and mortar food retail… When Netflix decided to invest billions in becoming a content creator instead of just a distributor… When McDonald’s Australia launched McCafe in a world first… When Starbucks moved from coffee wholesaler to retailer… When IBM moved from […]
Radio Interview: Sundo’s Big Breakfast 1125, 5MU – Let’s talk about Amazon (6 min interview)
Amazon is coming to Australia It was my pleasure to be a guest of Sundo on his morning radio program, South Australia’s 5MU. Sundo’s Big Breakfast was a first for me, LIVE radio. We enjoyed talking about Amazon’s impending arrival to Australia and the disruption that may cause.
Radio Interview: Talking Lifestyle: Interview on the Overnight Lifestyle show with host David Prior (9 min interview)
David and I discuss my book Xcelerate as well as disruption, business model innovation and change.
The Innovation Speedboat every organisation needs to power new growth (5 min video)
Garage Gigs for Growth (#2) Innovation has been high on the National and Corporate agenda for the past couple of years. There has been a lot of money and resources sloshing around focused on getting new growth opportunities to fly. But just like the Birdman Rally at Moomba, some endeavours are doing better than others. […]