The latest gust of subscription revenue models can be seen in the airline industry. Subscriptions are popping up everywhere. This month there was another example of an airline subscription model launched with OneGo’s entry into an increasingly populated space. OneGo offers unlimited flying on 700+ commercial airline routes in the US, from 76 airports for […]
A Tale of Invention, Survival and Modern Day Unicorns
We could be forgiven for being confused about business improvement… It’s no wonder a great proportion of businesses are unremarkable. They receive seemingly contradictory advice on how to grow. It becomes unclear what to do next when results are declining. We are expounded to do the following on a regular basis from all the business […]
Why backing SMARTphone leaders could be STUPID
The Sage of Omaha once said, and I paraphrase a little, that when you get a technology based transformation its much easier to pick the losers than pick and make money on the winners. His cases in point were the automobile and the plane. Whilst cars changed the way people moved around forever more, it […]
When is 70% off too much?
When is 70% off too much? Last week both Dick Smith and Laura Ashley (Australia) went into administration. They were founded within 3 years of each other; Dick Smith (1968), Laura Ashley (Australia, 1971). They both beat most of the odds for a long time. They could have been in the 40% of businesses that […]
When is disruption NOT disruption?
In Clayton Christensen’s latest article in HBR (Dec 2015) “What is Disruptive Innovation”, he reminds everyone, rather sternly (or is it just me?) what his definition of disruption is. As he is the father of the theory, we should give it due air time. He asserts that disruption is when a new entrant begins to […]
Will you be the next leader accused of being an Ostrich?
We often hear about large businesses that get into trouble, a bad quarter, a bad year, downsizing, poor sales and so it goes… We then get a chance to be armchair critics, Monday Morning Quarterbacks, to throw rocks from afar. We then level, our sometimes informed and sometimes ill-informed, critiques at leadership performance. Heads in […]
Planet Plexus – the revolution that’s changing your world
A few years ago McKinsey published the evolution of the Earth’s economic centre of gravity (the image reproduced here by the Economist)…… The Industrial Revolution was one of the main forces in moving our centre of gravity from Asia across Europe towards the US. Two hundred years later, we have another revolution occurring… In their […]
Business Executives… Sick of saying you’re busy? Is “busy” linked to business success?
Who out there is just so sick of saying you are busy when someone says “how are you?” Has this expression become one of the most meaningless things to say to someone else? And when you say it, do you think how boring it sounds and wonder if in all that busyness, you have been […]