The 3 teams a corporate needs to innovate like a startup (3 min video)

May 10th, 2017 | By

The 3 teams a corporate needs to innovate like a startup (3 min video)

Garage Gigs for Growth (#1)


Because so many good companies have their origins in their garages, I thought I’d have a crack at a series of 3 minute videos, my garage gigs for growth, to help organisations shift to their future, faster.

These short videos will be along two key themes:

  1. Intrapreneurship and
  2. Business Model Innovation

Basically we need to find those Intrapreneurs (your rebels) in your business and then equip them with Business Model Innovation frameworks.

Help me get these little suckers (the videos that is) en pointe by offering feedback or suggestions on challenges you are facing to innovate, grow or disrupt. Lets dive into the first one…

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